Imprint and information

In accordence with telecommunications law- article 5 (§ 5 Telemediengesetz):
Access provider of the URL "http://*" is:

Thomas C. Menzel
Graduate Economist and Business Mediator
Griebenowstraße 22
10435 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 93 62 22 28
Fax: +49 (0)30 93 62 22 29

VAT-Reg.Nr.: DE232779264

All the content displayed on this website is subject to copyright-laws.

Text-layout and support by Karen Brinkmann. Many thanks for the many valuable meetings.

All pictures taken by Katja Williams. Thank you.

Webdesign and administration by Steven Williams. He deserves the utmost gratitude!


k o n z i l i u s - Your expert for intra-firm conflict management. Come open up a dialogue with us!
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(c) 2009 k o n z i l i u s . All content is protected.