What we Provide - Preface

k o n z i l i u s 's conflict management work yields enduring, constructive conflict resolution and in the long run leads to conflict prevention. That lowers your costs.

We offer you a variety of conflict management services, our eCM-Services®, successful instruments for the effective treatment of intra-firm conflicts.

The spectrum of our eCM-Services® (external Conflict Management Services) includes the following activities:

Informative conversations

We offer you the possibility to assess the situation with the involved parties, on site or in neutral territory. Informative conversations constitute an important step towards civil conflict resolution. They are often a relief and provide a basis for the involved parties to have further communication.


This form of individual counselling is used for clarification of the individuals' behaviour, roles and goals. That way the involved parties can recognise their own resources and improve the communication between themselves and others.


The professional feedback of an external supervisor encourages the open, confidential treatment of one's employees and brings developing conflicts to the surface more quickly, which constitutes the premise of an effective conflict resolution.

Conflict Moderation

In this process conflicts between individuals, within teams and between of teams are addressed, structured and worked on in an open dialogue - with support of an external moderator.

Business Mediation

An extrajudicial, interest-based and goal-oriented procedure of conflict management, that finds its conclusion in a binding agreement. On the way everybody involved gets support in the negotiation of a neutral third person, until they find their "best" solution, self dependently.

Team building

It conduces to an improved communication culture and argumentative atmosphere inside of teams, is process-oriented and is significantly involved in conflict prevention in your company. Particularly, it proves to be reasonable at fusions of companies or departments and configuration of new teams.

Organisational development

The organisation development is a long-ranged invested process to change an organisation or sub-organisation with the goal of improving its capacity and the quality of the professional life. For your company to possess an effective conflict management in the future,  k o n z i l i u s   educates staff-members to conflict-pilots in the organisation development-process, leads supervision and supports the whole company in-process.


Conflict management in companies are not taking place in an unlegislated area. Contracts of employment must be considered as well as internal company agreements. When it comes to judicial relevant questions,  k o n z i l i u s   is in dialogue with each individual person or institution of your company.



k o n z i l i u s - Your expert for intra-firm conflict management. Come open up a dialogue with us!
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