What We Provide - Health Care Market
The Health Care Market finds itself amid a rapidly changing process. Hospitals, patient-care facilities and individual physicians' practices have been experiencing sizeable economic pressure, which is accompanied by an increase of physical and mental workload. Simultaneously, the "duty to serve the people" is a service for which social ethics pay a price, of which a mere economic description would be inadequate. Insecurity, fear, misunderstanding and resentment spread among the staff. Executives often feel overextended and react to the new challenges accordingly. In the area of tension between economy and ethics, the potential for conflict increases to a high level.
In recent years, k o n z i l i u s has been able to establish a conflict management style which is specific to hospitals and doctors' practices.
The spectrum of k o n z i l i u s 's work experience in the health care market includes:
- Group moderation
- Individual mediation
- Mediation process between employee representation and hospital's Personnel Management/
Board of Directors
- Informative conversations and team building workshops
- Supervision of teams
- Manager coaching (deputy medical directors, interns, head nurses, nurses' aides)
- Time-management training and workshops
- Strategic advice and organisational development
k o n z i l i u s - Your expert for intra-firm conflict management. Come open up a dialogue with us! |
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